9.1.   96-02-17952
9.2.   Kharlamov V.S. 
9.3.1. Kulikov D.V.
9.3.2. Truschin Yu.V.
9.3.3. Tsigankov D.N.
9.4.    Computer simulation RBS/C studies of high dose N+ and Al+
        co-implantation in 6H-SiC
9.5.	2
9.6.	Proceedings of SPIE
9.7.	4
9.8.	1
9.9.	1998
9.10.	3345
9.11.	260-263
9.13.   The (SiC)(AlN) system is being extensively investigated
        due to the full miscibility of the two constituents, SiC
        and AlN, their good thermal and lattice matches, and the
        the possibility of modifying the band gap of the
        resulting structure over a wide range of 2.9 eV (6H-SiC)
        to 6.2 eV (2H-AlN). From a practical viewpoint, the
        solid solutions of SiC and AlN are promising materials
        for advanced high- temperature electronic and
        optoelectronic devices. One novel method of producing
        thin layers of (SiC)(AlN) potentially suitable for
        microelectronic applications is the use of N+ and Al+
        co-implantation into 6H-SiC at elevated temperatures
        followed by annealing, i.e.  ion-beam synthesis.
        Hitherto, to the best of our knowledge, there has been
        only one report on the formation of buried (SiC)(AlN)
        layers in 6H-SiC by ion-beam synthesis 9.14.

9.1.	96-02-17952
9.2.	Kulikov D.V.
9.3.1.	Petzoldt J.
9.3.2.	Rybin P.V.
9.3.3.	Skorupa W.
9.3.4.	Trushin Yu.V.
9.3.5.	Yankov R.
9.4.    Theoretical and experimental studies of (AlN)1-x(SiC)x
        layer structures formed by N+ and Al+ co-implantation in
9.5.	2
9.6.    International Workshop on New Approaches to Hi-Tech
        Materials 98 (Nondestructive Testing and Computer
        Simulations in Materials Science and Engineering),
        Program and Abstracts, June 1998, St.Petersburg, Russia
9.7.	5
9.8.	1
9.9.	1998
9.11.	E2
9.13.   In present work the defect formation and in silicon
        carbide implanted with N+ and Al+ ions and annealled has
        been investigated experimentally and theoretically.  The
        satisfactory agreement of theoretical and experimental
        results has been obtained. The parameter of interaction
        of interstitials with stress field has been estimated.

9.1.	96-02-17952
9.2.	Kharlamov V.S. 
9.3.1	Kulikov D.V.
9.3.2	Trushin Yu.V.
9.4.    Computer simulation of transition from h-BN to c-BN during
        ion beam assisted deposition process
9.5.	2
9.6.	Vacuum
9.7.	4
9.8.	2
9.13.   It is shown that during growth of boron nitride with IBAD,
        the formation of inserted ab-planes of BN is possible.
        Implanted ions B and N increase the nuclear density of
        the material and it reaches the value of nuclear density
        of c-BN in surface layers.  Then near the surface of
        growing h-BN the transition h-BN r c-BN is possible.
        From the calculations the several kinetic parameters of
        h-BN is estimated  

9.1.	96-02-17952
9.2.	Rybin P.V.
9.3.1.	Kulikov D.V.
9.3.2.	Trushin Yu.V.
9.3.3.	Yankov R.
9.3.4.	Ecke G.
9.3.5.	Fukarek W.
9.3.6.	Skorupa W.
9.3.7.	Petzoldt J.
9.4.    Modelling High-Temperature Co-Implantation of Al+ and
        N+, Implantation of Silicon Carbide: The Effects of
        Stress on the Implant and Damage Distributions
9.5.	2
9.6.	Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research
9.7.	4
9.8.	2
9.9.	1999
9.13.   A model fo the defect evolution iin ion implanted and
        annealed SiC has been develloped taking into account the
        influence of internal stress field on the interstitials
        diffusion, and satisfactory agreeement of theoretical
        and experimental results has been obtained.

9.1.	96-02-17952
9.2.	Бер Борис Яковлевич
9.3.1	Журкин Евгений Евгениевич
9.3.2	Кудряцев Юрий Александрович
9.3.3	Трушин Юрий Владимирович
9.3.5.	Харламов Владимир Сергеевич
9.4.    Динамическое моделирование радиационного дефектообразования
        на каскадной стадии в многоатомных слоистых материалах
9.5.	1
9.6.	Неорганические материалы
9.7.	4
9.8.	2
9.13.   Разработана компьютерная модель, позволяющая описывать
        процессы высокодозного ионного облучения с учетом
        накопления и атермической рекомбинации радиационных
        дефектов. Модель оттестирована путем сравнения расчетных
        результатов с данными по ВИМС-профилированибю специально
        выращенных полупроводниковых гетероструктур.

9.1.	96-02-17952
9.2.	Куликов Дмитрий Вадимович
9.3.1	Трушин Юрий Владимирович
9.3.2	Рыбин Петр Валерьевич
9.3.3	Харламов Владимир Сергеевич
9.4.    Физическая модель эволюции дефектной системы карбида
        кремния с учетом внутренних полей упругих напряжений при
        имплантации ионами Al+ и N+ и последующем отжиге .
9.5.	1
9.6.	Журнал Технической Физики
9.7.	4
9.8.	2
9.9.	1999
9.13.   Предлагается теоретическое расмотрение образования и
        развития дефектов в карбиде кремния, имплантированном
        ионами азота и аллюминия, а затем оттоженого.
        Учитываются диффузия дефектов, комплексообразование,
        влияние внутренних полей упругих напряжений, созданных
        имплантированными ионами и образовавшимися комплексами,
        на миграцию межузлий. Получено удовлетворительное
        согласие расчетных распределений дефектов с
        экспериментальными данными. Численно оценены некоторые
        кинетические параметры карбида кремния.

9.1.	96-02-17952
9.2.	Kulikov D.V.
9.3.1.	Petzoldt J.
9.3.2.	Rybin P.V.
9.3.3.	Skorupa W.
9.3.4.	Trushin Yu.V.
9.3.5.	Yankov R.
9.4.    Theoretical and experimental studies of (AlN)1-x(SiC)x
        layer structures formed by N+ and Al+ co-implantation in
9.5.	2
9.6.	Proceedings of SPIE
9.7.	4
9.8.	2
9.9.	1999
9.13.   In present work the defect formation and in silicon
        carbide implanted with N+ and Al+ ions and annealled has
        been investigated experimentally and theoretically.  The
        model of defect evolution in implanted and annealed
        silicon carbide has been developed taking into account
        the influence of internal stress field on interstitials
        diffusion. The satisfactory agreement of theoretical and
        experimental results has been obtained. The parameter of
        interaction of interstitials with stress field has been

9.1. 96-02-17952
9.2. Anatoli S. Polkovnikov
9.3. Georgy G. Zegrya
9.4. Auger Recombination in Semiconductor Quantum Wells.
9.5. 2
9.6. Physical Review B
9.7. 4
9.8. 1
9.9. 1998
9.10. 58 (7)
9.11. 4039-4056
9.12.1	American Physical Society
9.12.2	USA
9.13.   The principal mechanisms of Auger recombination of
        nonequilibrium carriers in semiconductor
        heterostructures with quantum wells are investigated. It
        is shown for the first time that there exist three
        fundamentally different Auger recombination mechanisms
        of (i) thresholdless, (ii) quasi-threshold, and (iii)
        threshold types. The rate of the thresholdless Auger
        process depends on temperature only slightly. The rate
        of the quasi-threshold Auger process depends on
        temperature exponentially.  However, its threshold
        energy essentially varies with quantum well width and is
        close to zero for narrow quantum wells. It is shown that
        the thresholdless and the quasi-threshold Auger
        processes dominate in narrow quantum wells, while the
        threshold and the quasi-threshold processes prevail in
        wide quantum wells. The limiting case of a
        three-dimensional (3D) Auger process is reached for
        infinitely wide quantum wells. The critical quantum well
        width is found at which the quasi- threshold and
        threshold Auger processes merge into a single 3D Auger
        process.  Also studied is phonon-assisted Auger
        recombination in quantum wells. It is shown that for
        narrow quantum wells the act of phonon emission becomes
        resonant, which in turn increases substantially the
        coefficient of phonon-assisted Auger recombination.
        Conditions are found under which the direct Auger
        process dominates over the phonon-assisted Auger
        recombination at various temperatures and quantum well
9.14	http://xxx.itep.ru/find/cond-mat/1/Polkovnikov/0/1/0/1998/3/0

9.1	96-02-17952
9.2.	Г.Г. Зегря
9.3.	В.Е. Перлин
9.4.    Внутризонное поглощение света в квантовых ямах за счет
        электрон-электронных столкновений
9.5	1
9.6	Физика и Техника Полупроводников
9.7	4
9.8	1
9.9	1998
9.10	32 (4)
9.11	466-471
9.12.1	Наука
9.12.2	С.-Петербург, Россия
9.13.   Показано, что, вследствие непараболичности зон, в
        полупроводниковом материале с квантовыми ямами возможно
        внутризонное поглощение длинноволнового излучения за
        счет кулоновского взаимодействия электронов. Для
        предельных случаев невырожденного и сильно вырожденного
        двумерного электронного газа найдены аналитические
        выражения для коэффициентов поглощения.  При больших
        концентрациях носителей оно может оказаться более
        существенным, чем поглощение, обусловленное
        электрон-фононным взаимодействием.
9.14.   http://www.ioffe.rssi.ru/journals/ftp/1998/04/page-466.html.ru

9.1.    96-02-17952
9.2.    Асрян Л.В.
9.3.    Сурис Р.А.
9.4.    Temperature dependence of the threshold current density
        of a quantum dot laser
9.5.    2
9.6.    IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics
9.7.    4
9.8.    1
9.9.    1998
9.10.   34 (5)
9.11.   841-850
9.12.1. Laser and Electro-Optics Society (LEOS)
9.12.2. Picscataway, NJ, USA
9.13.   Detailed theoretical analysis of the temperature
        dependence of threshold current density of a
        semiconductor quantum dot (QD) laser is given.
        Temperature dependences of the threshold current density
        components associated with the radiative recombination
        in QDs and in the optical confinement layer (OCL) are
        calculated. Violation of the charge neutrality in QDs is
        shown to give rise to the slight temperature dependence
        of the current density component associated with the
        recombination in QDs. The temperature is calculated (as
        a function of the parameters of the structure) at which
        the components of threshold current density become equal
        to each other. Temperature dependences of the optimum
        surface density of QDs and the optimum thickness of the
        OCL, minimizing the threshold current density, are
        obtained. The characteristic temperature of QD laser,
        $T_{\rm 0}$, is calculated for the first time
        considering carrier recombination in the OCL (barrier
        regions) and violation of the charge neutrality in QDs.
        The inclusion of violation of the charge neutrality is
        shown to be critical for the correct calculation of
        $T_{\rm 0}$. The characteristic temperature is shown to
        fall off profoundly with increasing temperature. A
        drastic decrease in $T_{\rm 0}$ is shown to occur in
        passing from temperature conditions wherein the
        threshold current density is controlled by radiative
        recombination in QDs to temperature conditions wherein
        the threshold current density is controlled by radiative
        recombination in the OCL. The dependences of $T_{\rm 0}$
        on the root mean square of relative QD size
        fluctuations, total losses and surface density of QDs
        are obtained.
9.14.   http://engine.ieee.org/pub_preview/QE/34qe05_toc.html

9.1.    96-02-17952
9.2.    Асрян Л.В.
9.3.    Сурис Р.А.
9.4.    Spatial hole burning and multimode generation threshold
        in quantum dot lasers
9.5.    2
9.6.    Proceedings of IEEE LEOS 11th Annual Meeting,
        Orlando, FL, December 1-4, 1998
9.7.    2
9.8.    1
9.9.    1998
9.12.1. Laser and Electro-Optics Society (LEOS)
9.12.2. Picscataway, NJ, USA
9.13.   Theoretical analysis of the spatial hole burning in
        quantum dot (QD) lasers is given. The multimode
        generation threshold is calculated. A decrease in the QD
        size dispersion is shown to increase considerably the
        multimode generation threshold of a laser.
9.14.   http://engine.ieee.org/society/leos/LEOSCONF/LEO/sl98.htm

9.1.    96-02-17952
9.2.    Асрян Л.В.
9.3.    Сурис Р.А.
9.4.    Effect of spatial hole burning and multi-mode generation
        threshold in quantum dot lasers
9.5.    2
9.6.    Proceedings of International Symposium
        "Nanostructures: Physics and Technology". June 22-26,
        1998, St. Petersburg, Russia
9.7.    2
9.8.    1
9.9.    1998
9.11.   390-393
9.12.1. Gatchino, St. Petersburg
9.12.2. St. Petersburg, Russia
9.13.   Theoretical analysis of the spatial hole burning in
        quantum dot (QD) lasers is given. The multi-mode
        generation threshold is calculated. The processes of the
        thermally excited escapes of carriers away from QDs are
        shown to control the multi-mode generation threshold.
        The dependences of the multi-mode generation threshold
        on the root mean square of relative QD size
        fluctuations, cavity length, surface density of QDs, and
        temperature are obtained.
9.14.   http://www.ioffe.rssi.ru/NANO-98/final.html#A4.2

9.1.    96-02-17952
9.2.    Асрян Л.В.
9.3.    Сурис Р.А.
9.4.    Temperature sensitivity of threshold current density of
        a quantum dot laser
9.5.    2
9.6.    Proceedings of SPIE's International Symposium PHOTONICS
        WEST'98, 26-30 January 1998. San Jose, California USA.
9.7.    2
9.8.    1
9.9.    1998
9.10.   3283
9.11.   816-827
9.12.1. SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering
9.12.2. Bellingham, Washington, USA
9.13.   Detailed theoretical analysis of the temperature
        dependence of threshold current density of a
        semiconductor quantum dot (QD) laser, $j_{\rm th}$, is
        given. Temperature dependences of the components of
        $j_{\rm th}$ associated with the radiative recombination
        in QDs and in the optical confinement layer (OCL) are
        calculated. Violation of the charge neutrality in QDs is
        shown to give rise to the slight temperature dependence
        of the current density component associated with the
        recombination in QDs. The temperature is calculated (as
        a function of the parameters of the structure) at which
        the components of $j_{\rm th}$ become equal to each
        other. Temperature dependences of the optimum surface
        density of QDs and the optimum thickness of the OCL,
        minimizing $j_{\rm th}$, are obtained. The
        characteristic temperature of QD laser, $T_{\rm 0}$, is
        calculated considering carrier recombination in the OCL
        (barrier regions) and violation of the charge neutrality
        in QDs. The inclusion of violation of the charge
        neutrality is shown to be critical for the correct
        calculation of $T_{\rm 0}$. The characteristic
        temperature is shown to fall off profoundly with
        increasing temperature. A drastic decrease in $T_{\rm
        0}$ is shown to occur in passing from temperature
        conditions wherein $j_{\rm th}$ is controlled by
        radiative recombination in QDs to temperature conditions
        wherein $j_{\rm th}$ is controlled by radiative
        recombination in the OCL. The dependences of $T_{\rm 0}$
        on the root mean square of relative QD size
        fluctuations, total losses and surface density of QDs
        are obtained.
9.14.   http://www.spie.org/web/abstracts/3200/3283.html

9.1.   96-02-17952
9.2.   Асрян Л.В.
9.3.   Сурис Р.А.
9.4.   Spatial hole burning in quantum dot lasers
9.5.   2
9.6.   Proceedings of the 24rd International Conference on the
       Physics of Semiconductors.
       Jerusalem, Israel, August 2-7, 1998.
9.7.   2
9.8.   1
9.9.   1998
9.12.1. World Scientific Publishing
9.12.2. Singapore
9.13.   The multimode generation threshold in
        quantum dot (QD) lasers is calculated as a function of
        the parameters of structure and temperature. A decrease
        in the QD size dispersion is shown to increase
        considerably the relative multimode generation
        threshold. Concurrent with the decrease of threshold
        current, the reduction of multimode generation threshold
        is shown to occur with decrease of temperature.
9.14.   http://physics.technion.ac.il/~icps24/

9.1.    96-02-17952
9.2.    Асрян Л.В.
9.3.    Сурис Р.А.
9.4.    Effect of carrier escapes from quantum dots on the
        multi-mode generation threshold in quantum dot lasers
9.5.    2
9.6.    Digest of 11th International Conference on Superlattices,
        Microstructures and Microdevices. Hurgada, Egypt,
        July 27-August 1, 1998.
9.7.    5
9.8.    1
9.9.    1998
9.13.   The thermally excited escapes from quantum dots (QDs),
        rather than the diffusion, are shown to limit
        smoothing-out the carrier space distribution in QD
        lasers. Non-vanishing values of the characteristic
        times of thermally excited escapes are shown to control
        the multi-mode generation threshold in QD lasers. The
        multi-mode generation threshold is calculated. An
        increase in the QD size dispersion is shown not only to
        increase the threshold current density but to decrease
        the multi-mode generation threshold as well. 

9.1.   96-02-17952
9.2.   Вадим Павлович Евтихиев
9.3.1. В.Е. Токранов
9.3.2. А.К. Крыжановский
9.3.3. А.М. Бойко
9.3.4. Р.А. Сурис
9.3.5. А.Н. Титков
9.3.6. А. Накамура
9.3.7. М. Ичида
9.4.    Особенности роста квантовых точек InAs на вицинальной
        поверхности GaAs(001), разориентированной в направлении
9.5. 1
9.6. Физика и техника полупроводников
9.7. 3
9.8. 1
9.9. 1998
9.10. 32
9.11. 860
9.12.1. Наука
9.12.2. Санкт-Петербург
9.13.   Методом атомно-силовой микроскопии исследованы структуры с
        InAs-квантовыми точками, полученные молекулярно-пучковой
        эпитаксией на вицинальных поверхностях GaAs (001),
        разориентированных в направлении [010] на 1, 2, 4 и 6
        град. Показано, что при выбранном направлении
        разориентации вицинальная поверхность GaAs (010)
        покрывается сетью ступенчатых террас. Уплотнение сети
        террас по мере ув еличения угла разориентации приводит к
        блокированию поверхностной диффузии адсорбированных
        атомов и делает возможным получение более плотных и
        более однородных ансамблей квантовых точек при
        одновременном существенном снижении вероятности их
9.14.   http://www.ioffe.rssi.ru/journals/ftp/1998/07/page-860.html.ru

9.1.   96-02-17952
9.2.   Вадим Павлович Евтихиев
9.3.1. В.Е. Токранов
9.3.2. А.К. Крыжановский
9.3.3. А.М. Бойко
9.3.4. Р.А. Сурис
9.3.5. А.Н. Титков
9.5. 2
9.6. Journal of Crystal Growth
9.7. 3
9.8. 2
9.9. 1999
9.12.2. North-Holland
9.13    Atomic-force microscopy is used to study InAs quantum dot
        arrays grown by molecular beam epitaxy on vicinal
        GaAs(001) surfaces misoriented to the [010] direction by
        1, 2, 4, and 6Ь. For a chosen misorientatoin direction,
        it is shown that the vicinal GaAs(001) surface is
        covered with a net of stepped terraces. The condensation
        of the network of terraces with increasing of the
        misorientation angle leads to the suppression of adatom
        surface diffusion and makes it possible to achieve
        higher densities and better uniformity of quantum dots

9.1. 96-02-17952
9.2. Зегря Георгий Георгиевич
9.3. Полковников Анатолий Сергеевич
9.4. Механизмы оже рекомбинации в квантовых ямах
9.5. 1
9.6. Журнал Экспериментальной и Теоретической Физики
9.7. 4
9.8. 1
9.9. 1998
9.10. 113(4)
9.11. 1491-1520
9.12.1. Наука 
9.13.   В работе исследованны основные механизмы оже рекомбинации
        неравновесных носителей в полупроводниковых
        гетероструктурах с квантовыми ямами. Впервые показано,
        что в квантовых ямах существует три принципиально
        различных механизма оже-рекомбинации: (i) беспороговый
        механизм, (ii) квазипороговый механизм и (iii) пороговый
        механизм. Скорость беспорогового процесса имеет слабую
        температурную зависимость. Скорость квазипорогового оже
        процесса экспоненциально зависит от температуры. Однако
        его пороговая энергия существенно зависит от ширины
        квантовй ямы и близка к нулю для узких квантовых ям.
        Показано, что в достаточно узких квантовых ямах
        доминируют беспороговый и квазипороговый процессы, а в
        достаточно широких квантовых ямах -- квазипороговый и
        пороговый оже процессы.  Выполнен предельный переход к
        трехмерному оже процессу при ширине квантовой ямы
        стремящейся к бесконечности. Найдено значение
        критической толщины квантовой ямы, при которой
        квазипороговый и пороговый оже процессы сливаются в
        единый трехмерный оже процесс рекомбинации.
9.1. 96-02-17952
9.2. Зегря Георгий Георгиевич
9.3. Гунько Наталия Александровна
9.4.    Теоретическое исследование пороговых характеристик лазеров
        на многих квантовых ямах на основе InGaN.
9.5. 1
9.6. Физика и Техника Полупроводников
9.7. 4
9.8. 1
9.9. 1998
9.10. 32(7)
9.11. 843-847
9.12.1. Наука 
9.12.2. Санкт-Петербург
9.13.   Исследованы пороговые характеристики лазеров на многих
        квантовых ямах на основе InGaN. Выполнен подробный
        анализ щависимости порогового тока от параметров
        квантовой ямы и от температуры. Показано, что по
        сравнению с длинноволновыми лазерами, лазеры на основе
        InGaN имеют качественно другую зависимость порогового
        тока от параметров квантовой ямы (ширины квантовой ямы).
        Проанализирована возможность оптимизации лазерной
        структуры на основе InGaN с целью улучшения пороговых
        характеристик и увеличения предельной мощности
9.14.   http://www.ioffe.rssi.ru/journals/ftp/1998/07/page-843.html.ru	 

9.1. 96-02-17952
9.2. Aleksey D. Andreev
9.4.    Modeling of Gain for Lasers BAsed on CdSe Planar QD-System
        in ZnMgSSe Matrix
9.5. 2
9.6. SPIE Proceeding
9.7. 4
9.8. 2
9.9. 1999
9.10. 3284
9.12.1. Univ. of Florida
9.12.2. Florida, US        
9.13.   Gain in heterostructures with CdSe quantum dots (QDs) in
        ZnMgSSe matrix has been studied theoretically taking
        account of many-body effects.  3D strain distribution in
        the QD structure has been calculated employing Green's
        function method for anisotropic crystals of cubic
        symmetry. An analytical formula in form of the Fourier
        series has been obtained for the spatial dependence of
        the strain tensor in periodical array of disk-like
        planar QDs.  The carrier spectrum and wave functions
        have been calculated taking account of actual 3D
        potential modified by strain effects.  It is
        demonstrated that in wide range of structure parameters
        the carriers in QD-system are weakly localized.  Gain
        spectrum is shown to be strongly modified by many-body
        effects.  The calculated value of the carrier-induced
        enhancement of the refractive index is in a good
        agreement with available experimental data.

	Руководитель проекта                              / Р.А.Сурис /