2.1. 99-02-16796
2.2. Suris Robert Arnol'dovich
2.3. Theoretical investigations of the electronic and optical
     properties and the processes of growth of semiconductor
     heterostructures with quantum dots and strained quantum 
2.4. 2000
2.5. 2
2.6. In the framework of developed computer model of crystal 
     growth the ranges of parameters were obtained, in which 
     periodically facetted surfaces occur.
     The investigations of defect formation and evolution in 
     silicon carbide has been carried our taking into account 
     stress field due to radiation defects.
     Methods of computation of Auger recombination coefficients
     in semiconductor quantum wells (QW) were developed.
     It is shown that auger-recombination rates of the processes
     with two electrons and heavy hole and of the process with
     one electron and two heavy holes with transition of one
     hole in SO-zone weakly depend on temperature and 
     non-monotonously depend on QW width in a wide temperature 
     range. Auger recombination in semiconductor quantum wire was 
     investigated in wide range of temperature. 
     The multimode generation threshold in quantum-dot (QD)
     lasers due to the effect of spatial hole burning in the
     population inversion in QDs is calculated as a function 
     of the parameters of structure and temperature. In contrast
     to the conventional quantum well or bulk lasers, thermally
     excited escapes of carriers away from QDs, rather than the 
     diffusion, are shown to control the multimode generation 
     threshold. Hence the multimode generation threshold 
     should be less in QD lasers compared to quantum well and
     bulk ones. A decrease in the QD size dispersion is shown to 
     increase considerably the relative multimode generation 
     threshold. Concurrent with the decrease of threshold 
     current, the reduction of multimode generation threshold
     is shown to occur with decrease of temperature.

     The critical tolerable parameters of the structure behind
     which the lasing generation is impossible to attain have 
     been shown to exist. These parameters are the maximum
     tolerable QD size dispersion and the minimum tolerable 
     surface density of QDs cavity length. The threshold current
     density increases infinitely and the relative multimode
     generation threshold approaches zero as the parameter tends
     to its critical tolerable value.

     We have shown that spectrum of electrons in ideal 2D and 3D
     quantum dot superlatices (QDSL) in homogenious dc electric 
     field can be discrete or continuos depending on the field
     orientation. In the last case the width of appearing 
     miniband exponentially depends on field direction. Near
     directions of field, corresponding to continious spectrum,
     abrupt modification of localization area occurs.

     The Bloch oscillations in 2D and 3D QDSL for various
     initial distributions of carriers have been studied.
     We have shown that in contrast to 1D supperlattices the 
     spectrum of oscillations varies with field orientation.                        

2.7. A.F. Ioffe Physico-Technical Institute of 
     Russian Academy  of Sciences