GaAs - Gallium Arsenide

Thermal properties

Bulk modulus 7.53·1011 dyn cm-2
Melting point 1240 °C
Specific heat 0.33 J g-1°C -1
Thermal conductivity 0.55 W cm-1 °C -1
Thermal diffusivity 0.31cm2s-1
Thermal expansion, linear 5.73·10-6 °C -1

Temperature dependence of thermal conductivity
n-type sample, no (cm-3): 1. 1016; 2. 1.4·1016; 3. 1018;
p-type sample, po (cm-3): 4. 3·1018; 5. 1.2·1019.
(Carlson et al [1965]).
Temperature dependence of thermal conductivity (for high temperature)
n-type sample, no (cm-3): 1. 7·1015; 2. 5·1016; 3. 4·1017; 4. 8·1018;
p-type sample, po (cm-3): 5. 6·1019.
(Blakemore [1982]).
Temperature dependence of specific heat at constant pressure Ccl= 3kbN = 0.345 J g-1°C -1.
N is the number of atoms in 1 g og GaAs.
Dashed line: Cp= (4π2Ccl / 5θo3T3 for θo= 345 K.
(Blakemore [1982]).
Temperature dependence of linear expansion coefficient α

Melting point Tm=1513 K
For 0 < P < 45 kbar Tm= 1513 - 3.5P (P in kbar)
Saturated vapor pressure (in Pascals)
1173 K 1
1323 K 100