GaAsSb - Gallium Arsenide Antimonide

Thermal properties

Bulk modulus (7.53-1.9x)·1011 dyn cm-2

Temperature dependence of thermal conductivity for x=0 (GaAs)
n-type sample, no (cm-3): 1. 1016; 2. 1.4·1016; 3. 1018;
p-type sample, po (cm-3): 4. 3·1018; 5. 1.2·1019.
(Carlson et al. (1965)).
Temperature dependence of thermal conductivityfor x=1 (GaSb).
Electron concentration at 300 K
n-type sample, no (cm-3): 1. 1.6·1017; 2. 8.6·1017; 3. 1.8·1018;
p-type sample. 4. Undoped GaSb po = 1.42·1017(cm-3)
(Poujade and Albany (1969)).
For 300< T < 800 K K=0.32(T/300)-1.6 (W/cmK)
Temperature dependence of specific heat at constant pressure.
1. - x=0 (GaAs),
2. - x=1 (GaSb).
(Piesbergen (1963)).
Lattice constant as a function x
(Lendvay (1984)).
Temperature dependence of linear expansion coefficient for x=0 (GaAs)
(Novikova (1961)).
Temperature dependence of linear expansion coefficient x=1 (GaSb)
(Novikova and Abrikosov (1963)).
Pseudobinary phase diagram for GaAs1-xSbx system.
(Gratton and Woolley (1980)).