GaInP - Gallium Indium Phosphide

Thermal properties

Bulk modulus (7.1+1.7x)·1011 dyn cm-2
Specific heat 0.31+0.12x J g-1°C-1

Thermal resistivity versus alloy composition parameter x. 300K.
(Adachi [1983]).
Temperature dependence of specific heat at constant pressure.
1 - x = 0 (InP) (Piesbergen [1963]);
2 - x = 1 (GaP) (Sirota and Sidorov [1988]).
Lattice constant as a function of alloy composition parameter x. 300K.
(Onton et al. [1971]).

At x = 0.5 GaInP is lattice-matched to GaAs.
Linear expansion coefficient a versus alloy composition parameter x. 300K.
(Kudman and Paff [1972]).