GaSb - Gallium Antimonide

Thermal and mechanical properties

Bulk modulus 5.63·1011 dyn cm-2
Melting point 712 °C
Specific heat 0.25 J g-1°C -1
Thermal conductivity 0.32 W cm-1 °C-1
Thermal diffusivity 0.23 cm2s-1
Thermal expansion, linear 7.75·10-6 °C -1

Temperature dependence of thermal conductivity n-GaSb.
Electron concentration at 300 K
n-type sample, no (cm-3): 1. 1.6·1017; 2. 8.6·1017; 3. 1.8·1018;
p-type sample. 4. Undoped GaSb po = 1.42·1017(cm-3)
(Poujade and Albany [1969]).
Temperature dependence of thermal conductivity
(for high temperature)
(Okhotin et al. [1972]).
Temperature dependence of specific heat at constant pressure
1. - Piesbergen[1963];
2. - Okhotin et al. [1972].
Temperature dependence of linear expansion coefficient
(Novikova and Abrikosov [1963]).