InP - Indium Phosphide

Thermal properties

Bulk modulus 7.1·1011 dyn cm-2
Melting point 1060 °C
Specific heat 0.31 J g-1 °C-1
Thermal conductivity 0.68 W cm-1 °C-1
Thermal diffusivity 0.372 cm2 s-1
Thermal expansion, linear 4.60·10-6 °C-1
Melting point Tm = 1333 K
For 0 < P < 40 kbar
      Tm = 1333 - 2.0·P (P in kbar)
(Glasov et al. [1977]).
Temperature dependence of thermal conductivity.
n-type samples, no=2·1016 cm-3
(Aliev et al [1965]).
Temperature dependence of specific heat at constant pressure
(Piesbergen [1963]).
For 298< T < 910 K
Cp = 0.28 + 10-4·T (J g-1 K-1)
(Barin et al. [1977]).
Temperature dependence of linear expansion coefficient α.
1. (Soma et al. [1982]),
2. (Glazov et al. [1977]).
Temperature dependence of saturation vapor pressure.
(Panish and Arthur[1970]).