NSG Home Page EOS and effective opacities for magnetic neutron stars
Interpolating program
Neutron Star Group
[Magnetic H EOS Main page]


This Fortran program interpolates thermodynamic functions and Rosseland opacities (for propagation of radiation parallel and perpendicular to the magnetic field) across the tables which are read from the files hmm*.dat (for 10.5 < lg B < 11.9), hmag*.dat (for 11.9 < lg B < 13.5), or hmn*.dat (for lg B>13.5). Consequently, these files must be in current directory when you run the code. You can get them here. However, if you consider only ordinary strong fields (lgB<13.5), it is sufficient to have only files hmag*.dat in your directory. Similarly, if you are interested only in superstrong fields (lgB>13.5), it is sufficient to have only hmn*.dat; and for treating only moderately strong fields (lg B < 11.9) it is sufficient to have only hmm*.dat.

The first (MAIN) routine is commented-out. If uncommented and compiled, it displays the value of a specified thermodynamic function of opacity on terminal. As is, the file can be linked with another package. Format of usage:


Input parameters:

Output: The meaning of OUTPUT depends on Kout as follows:

Kout OUTPUT Meaning
1 PLG lg(P/bar)
2 PNkT PV/(NkT), where N is number of protons (free and bound)
3 UNkT U/(NkT)
6 CHIT (d log P/d log T)V
7 CHIR -(d log P/d log V)T
8 FHOPT "true" ("optical") atomic fraction
9 FHOPT0 true ground-state atomic fraction
10 FH2OPT2 number of H2 molecules divided by N
11 FCLUST the fraction of protons comprised in clusters
12 ROSLONG lg(K0), K0 is the effective Rosseland mean opacity [cm2/g] for radiative transport along B
13 ROSTRAN lg(K1) - the same but perpendicular to B

Notations for the OUTPUT are the same as in the Tables of data.

separation line

Interpolating code Download hminter.f

separation line

[Top of this page] [Magnetic H EOS Main page] [Neutron Star Group] [Department of Theoretical Astrophysics] [Ioffe Institute]

Page design and maintenance by Alexander Potekhin (palex@astro.ioffe.ru). Remarks are always welcome.
Page created on May 30, 2002. last updated on October 19, 2014.