Optical Orientation and Magneto-Resonant Phenomena in Atomic Ensembles

The processes of Optical Orientation of Atoms and the Magnetic Resonance caused by interaction of optically polarised atom systems with radio fields of a wide frequency range (from a constant magnetic field to RF, HF, and UHF ranges) are actively investigated in the laboratory. The most interesting researches and the results received in this area:

  • Observation and research of the process of optical orientation of metastable atoms of inert gases and its influence on parametres of gas-discharge plasma:

    • ╚Closed╩ and ╚opened╩ systems of the optical pumping.

    • Opto-galvanic method of detecting of a double radio-optical resonance.

  • Observation and researching of the phenomenon of RF coherence in an ensemble of the optically oriented alkaline atoms under influence of multifrequency radiation of HF and RF range. The investigation of both stationary and transient rf signals (free precession, nutation, repeated spin echo).

  • Observation and application of effect of not resonant spin echo in an ensemble of optically oriented atoms excited by inversion of both direction and gradient of the DC magnetic field.

  • Studying of conversion of the polarizing moments (orientation, alignement, hyperfine polarisation) under optical polarization for various physical situations: at spin-exchange collisions of atoms of a different grade, as a result of influence on atoms of a magnetic field, and also of optical radiation of various polarisation.

  • Investigation of the influence on a signal of the double radio-optical resonance of carrying over of pump radiation.

  • Observation of spin orientation of helium atoms of helium in alkali-helium plasma under influence of polarization-modulated laser irradiation.

  • Detection and research the relaxation resonance under optical orientation of metastable helium atoms.

  • Investigation of the spin-exchange broadening of magnetic-resonance line of potassium atoms; determining of the potassium ground-state collisional relaxation cros-section.

  • Investigation of the process of the laser pumping of zeeman sublevels of potassium atoms ground-state.


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