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Thermal Conductivity of Stellar Plasmas
Tables and interpolating program
Department of Theoretical Astrophysics
[Conductivity Main page] [Neutron Star Group]
[click here to go straight to the tables and the program]


The table covers mass densities ρ from 10-6 to 109 g/cm3, temperatures T from 103 to 109 K, and ion charge numbers Z from 1 to 60. At given Z, atomic mass of the most abundant isotope was adopted for the calculations.

Caution should be taken since the assumption of full ionization is not valid in some parts of the density-temperature domain. The region of partial ionization has not been excluded from the table for two purposes:

The files "condtab21_I.dat", "condtab21nd.dat", "condtab21wd.dat", and "condtab21sd.dat" present thermal conductivities evaluated, respectively, without the correction due to Blouin et al. (2020), with this (non-damped) correction, and with intermediate "weakly damped" and "strongly damped" correction versions, respectively, according to the "Recent updates: 2020-2021" section of the Introduction.

Each of these files presents a multipart table. Every part corresponds to one specific Z (indicated at the corner of the table). The first (column) entry of every part is decimal logarithm of \rho in g/cc, and the second (row) entry is logarithm of T in K.

The Fortran program supplied here uses Z, T, and mass density ρ as input parameters and interpolates in the data file. If compiled "as is," it displays the decimal logarithm of the conductivity (in CGS units) on terminal, corresponding to the file "condtab21wd.dat". However, the first (MAIN) procedure can be easily modified to yield another output. Alternatively, the MAIN routine can be commented-out for usage of the principal subroutine CONINTER with another package. One can also use another input data file (another approximation for the conductivity) by replacing the name "condtab21wd.dat" in this subroutine to "condtab21_I.dat", "condtab21nd.dat", or "condtab21sd.dat" (this data source must be placed in the current directory). Simultaneously, this subroutine provides logarithmic derivatives of the thermal conductivity over density and temperature, which are often needed for stellar modelling. Format of usage:


Input parameters:

Output parameters:

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Table Table of thermal conductivity of a dense nonmagnetic electron-ion plasma condtab21wd.dat
Interpolating code Fortran program for interpolation across the table
Table Ancillary tables (see above): condtab21_I.dat, condtab21nd.dat, condtab21sd.dat.

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[Top of this page] [Conductivity Main page] [Neutron Star Group] [Department of Theoretical Astrophysics] [Ioffe Institute]

Page design and maintenance: Alexander Potekhin
Page created in 2000; the tables and code last updated on May 18, 2021.