Избранные публикации за 2014 - 2016 год
- V. L. Korenev, M. Salewski, I. A. Akimov, V. F. Sapega, L. Langer, I. V. Kalitukha, J. Debus, R. I. Dzhioev, D. R. Yakovlev, D. Müller, C. Schröder, H. Hövel, G. Karczewski, M. Wiater, T. Wojtowicz, Yu. G. Kusrayev, M. Bayer. Long-range p-d exchange interaction in a ferromagnet-semiconductor hybrid structure. Nature Physics 12, 85-91 (2016)
- E. A. Zhukov, Yu. G. Kusrayev, K. V. Kavokin, D. R. Yakovlev, J. Debus, A. Schwan, I. A. Akimov, G. Karczewski, T. Wojtowicz, J. Kossut, and M. Bayer. Optical orientation of hole magnetic polarons in (Cd,Mn)Te/(Cd,Mn,Mg)Te quantum wells.
Phys. Rev. B 93, 245305 (2016)
- K. A. Baryshnikov, L. Langer, I. A. Akimov, V. L. Korenev, Yu. G. Kusrayev, N. S. Averkiev, D. R. Yakovlev, and M. Bayer. Resonant optical alignment and orientation of Mn2+ spins in CdMnTe crystals. Phys. Rev. B 92, 205202 (2015)
- Liu,F; Rodina,AV; Yakovlev,DR; Golovatenko,AA; Greilich,A; Vakhtin,ED; Susha,A; Rogach,AL; Kusrayev,YG; Bayer,M. Forster energy transfer of dark excitons enhanced by a magnetic field in an ensemble of CdTe colloidal nanocrystalsPhys. Rev. B, v.92, 12 (2015)
- Kotur,M; Dzhioev,RI; Kavokin,KV; Korenev,VL; Namozov,BR; Pak,PE;
Kusrayev,YuG, Nuclear spin relaxation mediated by Fermi-edge
electrons in n-type GaAs. JETP Letters 99, 1, pp 40-44 (2014)
- V.F.Sapega, I.V.Kraynov, N.I.Sablina, G.S.Dimitriev, N.S.Averkiev,
K.H.Ploog,Control of magnetic anisotropy by external fields
in ferromagnetic (Ga,Mn)As. Solid State Communication, 157,
34 (2013)
- J. Debus, D.Dunker, V. F. Sapega, D. R. Yakovlev, G. Karczewski,
T. Wojtowicz, J. Kossut, M. Bayer, Spin-flip Raman scattering
of the neutral and charged excitons confined in a CdTe/(Cd,Mg)Te
quantum well. Physical Review B, 87, 20 (2013)
- I. A. Akimov, R. I. Dzhioev, V. L. Korenev, Yu. G. Kusrayev,
V.F. Sapega, D. R. Yakovlev, and M. Bayer, Electron spin dynamics
and optical orientation of Mn2+ ions in GaAs. Journal of Applied
Physics, 113, 13 ( 2013)
- M. Lafrentz, D. Brunne, B. Kaminski, V.V. Pavlov, A.V. Rodina,
R.V. Pisarev, D. R. Yakovlev, A. Bakin, and M. Bayer, Magneto-Stark
Effect of Excitons as the Origin of Second Harmonic Generation
in ZnO. Physical Review Letters, 110, 11 (2013)
- M.I. Vexler, I.V. Grekhov, and L.V. Lutsev, Metal-insulator-semiconductor
tunnel emitter transistor as a spintronic device: a concept.
Journal of Applied Physics, 113, 4 (2013)
- T. Itahashi, H. Hayashi, M. R. Rahman, K. M. Itoh, L. S. Vlasenko,
M. P. Vlasenko, and D. S. Poloskin, Optical and dynamic nuclear
polarization of 29Si nuclei via photoexcited triplet states of
oxygen-vacancy complexes in isotopically controlled silicon.
Physical Review B 87, 7 (2013)
- Kavokin,KV; Koudinov,AV, Dynamical polarization of nuclear
spins by acceptor-bound holes in a zinc-blende semiconductor.
Physical Review B 88, 23 (2013)
- F. Liu, L. Biadala, A.V. Rodina, D. R. Yakovlev, D. Dunker,
C. Javaux, J.P. Hermier, Al. L. Efros, B. Dubertret, and M. Bayer,
Spin dynamics of negatively charged excitons in CdSe/CdS colloidal
nanocrystals. Physical Review B 88, 3 (2013)
- Akimov, IA; Belotelov,VI; Scherbakov,AV; Pohl,M; Kalish,AN;
Salasyuk,AS; Bombeck,M; Bruggemann,C; Akimov,AV; Dzhioev,RI; Korenev,VL;
Kusrayev,YG; Sapega,VF; Kotov,VA; Yakovlev,DR; Zvezdin,AK; Bayer,M,
Hybrid structures of magnetic semiconductors and plasmonic
crystals: a novel concept for magneto-optical devices [Invited].
J. Opt. Soc. Am. B-Opt. Phys., v.29, 2 (2012)
- Kalevich,VK; Afanasiev,MM; Shiryaev,AY; Egorov,AY, Amplification
of spin-filtering effect by magnetic field in GaAsN alloys.
Physical Review B, v.85, 3 ArtNo: #035205 (2012)