
The Laboratory of Physical Kinetics appeared in 1972 when the Semiconductors Institute of USSR Science Academy was merged with Ioffe Institute. The theoretical department of the Semiconductors Institute, whose leader was Andrei Anselm, was split into Laboratories.

Our laboratory was created from the group led by Vadim Gurevich. The work in the laboratory was focused on transport and kinetics of various solids from semiconductors to superconductors. The leaders of the Laboratory were (in chronological order) Vadim Gurevich, Veniamin Kozub, and Yaroslav Beltukov.

Now, most of the topics of our research are related to disordered systems: vibration spectra of amorphous solids, the theory of correlations in hopping transport, ferromagnetic glasses. Please see the Topic section for details.

We are open to contacts and are glad to see students among our ranks. Please contact the members of our staff in case of any questions.