Nikolai E. Khokhlov, PhD
e-mail: n.e.khokhlov (at)
Main research interests: Laser-induced spin waves, ultrafast spin dynamics, magnonics, plasmonics, magneto-optics
- Scopus Id 57213491467
- WoS Researcher Id O-5819-2015
- Research Gate
- SCIENCE INDEX (SPIN) 9807-9670
- IstinaResearcherID (IRID): 521668
- Google Scholar: Nikolai Khokhlov
- CPI ID: 101-225
- РИНЦ AuthorID: 853143
Main publications:
Ia. A. Filatov, P. I. Gerevenkov, M. Wang, A. W. Rushforth, A. M. Kalashnikova, N. E. Khokhlov, Spectrum evolution and chirping of laser-induced spin wave packets in thin iron films, Applied Physics Letters 120, 112404 (2022) []
Special issue on Ultrafast and Terahertz Spintronics
- N.E. Khokhlov, P.I. Gerevenkov, L.A. Shelukhin, A.V. Azovtsev, N.A. Pertsev, M. Wang, A.W. Rushforth, A.V. Scherbakov, and A.M. Kalashnikova, Optical Excitation of Propagating Magnetostatic Waves in an Epitaxial Galfenol Film by Ultrafast Magnetic Anisotropy Change, Phys. Rev. Applied 12, 044044 (2019) []
- P. I. Gerevenkov, D. V. Kuntu, Ia. A. Filatov, L. A. Shelukhin, M. Wang, A. W. Rushforth, A. M. Kalashnikova, N. E. Khokhlov
Effect of magnetic anisotropy evolution on laser-induced magnetization precession in thin galfenol films
Physical Review Materials 5, 094407 (2021) []
- N.E. Khokhlov, A.E. Khramova, Ia.A. Filatov, P.I. Gerevenkov, B.A. Klinskaya, A.M. Kalashnikova, Néel domain wall as a tunable filter for optically excited magnetostatic waves, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 534, 168018 (2021) []
- N.E. Khokhlov, A.E. Khramova, E.P. Nikolaeva, T.B. Kosykh, A.V. Nikolaev, A.K. Zvezdin, A.P. Pyatakov & V.I. Belotelov, “ Electric-field-driven magnetic domain wall as a microscale magneto-optical shutter”, Scientific Reports 7, Article number: 264 (2017) []
- Nikolai Khokhlov, Grigoriy Knyazev, Boris Glavin, Yakov Shtykov, Oleg Romanov, and Vladimir Belotelov, “Interaction of surface plasmon polaritons and acoustic waves inside an acoustic cavity”, Optics Letters 42, (18), pp. 3558-3561 (2017) []
- N.E. Khokhlov, A.R. Prokopov, A.N. Shaposhnikov, V.N. Berzhansky, M.A. Kozhaev, S.N. Andreev, A.P. Ravishankar, V.G. Achanta, D.A. Bykov, A.K. Zvezdin, and V.I. Belotelov. Photonic crystals with plasmonic patterns: Novel type of the heterostructures for enhanced magneto-optical activity. // Journal of Physics D, 48(9) p. 095001 (2015) []
- Khokhlov N.E., Ignatyeva D.O., and Belotelov V.I. Plasmonic pulse shaping and velocity control via photoexcitation of electrons in a gold film // Optics Express, 22(23), p. 28019 (2014) []
Registered intellectual property rights:
State registration of the computer program. Registration number 2020666809 (2020)
State registration of the computer program. Registration number 2017617822 (2017)
State registration of the computer program. Registration number 2017617822 (2017)
PhD Thesis: "Resonant optical effects resulting from optical, magnetic and acoustic control of plasmon-polaritons in multilayered structures" hosted at repository of Moscow State University (in Russian)
Work Experience:
04.2017-present Ioffe Institute, St. Petersburg
Senior Research Fellow, Full time
Lecturer, Part time
06.2013 – 04.2017 Russian Quantum Center, Moscow
Research Fellow, Full time
2011 – 2017 Faculty of physics, Moscow State University, Moscow
Research Fellow, Part time