Alexander A. Lebedev
Laboratory of Semiconductor Devices Physics

Alexander A. Lebedev,
Head of the Laboratory of
Semiconductor Devices Physics
Laboratory of  Semiconductor Devices Physics
Solid State Electronics Division
Ioffe Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences,
Politekhnicheskaya ul. 26,
St. Petersburg, 194021, Russia

+7 (812) 292 7125
+7 (812) 297 1017
Home Page:

Born: March 10,1959, St.Petersburg (Leningrad).

Specialist in physics, technology and device application of wide band gap semiconductors: SiC and SiC-based devices, capacative spectroscopy: DLTS technique was applied  for investigations of deep levels in SiC for the first time. New technology for different SiC-based devices was developed in the group headed by. A. Lebedev.



Academic Degree: Doctor of Sciences in Physics and Mathematics,
from A. F. Ioffe Physical-Technical Institute.
Thesis: "Capacitance spectroscopy of the Silicon Carbide ".


Academic Degree: Ph. D. in Physics and Mathematics
from A. F. Ioffe Physical-Technical Institute.
Deep centers and their influence on recombination processes in
6H and 4H SiC-based diodes


Master Degree in Optoelectronic, St  Petersburg Electrical Engineering University .





A. F. Ioffe Physical-Technical Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg, Russia

Deputy Director of Solid State Electronic Division

(2008 – present)


Leading Researcher, Head of the Laboratory

(1999 - present)


Senior Researcher






Junior Researcher








St. Petersburg Electrical Engineering University
Full Professor

(2004 - present)


    Prize for the best papers of the Solid State Electronic Division (2004)

    Prize for the best papers of young scientists of the Ioffe Institute (1989)

    Prizes for the best papers of the Ioffe Institute (1985, 2005)

    Russian State medal "In memory of 300 years St. Petersburg anniversary"


    2008 - present.  Memeber of  Scientific Council of the Ioffe Institute (on  PhD & Doctor science degree degree )

    2001-2008.  Memeber of  Scientific Council of the Ioffe Institute (on PhD degree

    1999 - present.  Member of Scientific Council of Solid State Electronic Division of the Ioffe  Institute.

    1986-1992.  Member of Scientific Council of Young Scientists of the Ioffe Institute.

    2006 – present. Member of Scientific Council of the Ioffe Institute


    Member of Program Committee of III, IV, V and VI Intern. Seminar on Silicon Carbide and Related Materials, May 2000, May 2002 and May 2004, may 2009 Novgorod the Great, Russia

    Invited Speaker on several Rusian and International Scientific Conferences.

    Member of Steering Committee of European Conf. on SiC and Related Materials, Sept. 2006 (Newcastle, UK), Sept 2008 (Barcelona, Span), Sept 2010 (Oslo, Norway).

    Member of International Advisory Board CIMTEC 2010 of Symposium H “Advances in Electrical, Magnetic and Optical Ceramics”, June 2010 Tuscany, Italy

    Member of Scientific Program Committee of 14-th Conference on Semiconductor and Insulating Materials (SIMC-XIV), May 2007, Fayetteville, Aransas, USA

    Editor of the Central European Science Journal





    Visiting Researcher, University of Aveiro, Aveiro, Portugal ( 1995).


  1. The parameters of main intrinsic electrically active centers were defined in
    4H- and 6H- SiC. Interaction between deep levels and point defects was studied.
    Effects of the traps on recombination processes were investigated.

  2. Capacitance spectroscopy technique was modified and applied for investigation
    of wide band gap semiconductors.

  3. Several types of semiconductor devices based on SiC were developed.
    Theire parameters were studied in wide temperature interval.


About 250 publications in refereed journals and in Proceedings of International and
National Conferences on properties of Silicon Carbide and SiC-based electron devices, capacitance spectroscopy of the deep centers in wide bang gap materials, investigation of radiation defects in semiconductors, physics of Lights Emitting Diodes (LEDs), epitaxial and heteroepiotaxial SiC growth. Three Ph.D. dissertation was prepared under his supervision.
Four patents on solid-state devices.


  1. Lebedev A. A "Deep Level defects in Silicon Carbide" in M. S. Shur, S. L. Rumyantsev and M. E. Levinshtein, Editors: "SiC Materials and Devices – vol. 2", World Scientific, 2007, ISBN 981-270-383-5
  2. Lebedev A. A. "Heterojunctions and super lattices based on silicon carbide" Topical Review. Semicond. Sci. and Technol. 21, R17-R34, (2006)
  3. Lebedev A. A., Anikin M. M., Ivanov P.A., Pyatko S. N., Strel'chuk A. M., Syrkin A. L. “High temperature discrete devices in 6H-SiC: sublimation epitaxial growth, device technology and electrical performance.” in book "Semiconductor interfaces and microstructures" ed. by Z. C. Feng, World Scientific, Singapore, pp.280-311 (1992).
  4. Lebedev A. A. , Chelnokov V. E. "High power SiC devices. New result and prospects", in Proc. 1998 High Temperature Electronic Materials, devices and Sensors Conference, ed. By I. Golecki, , IEEE Catalog, no 98EX132 (1998), pp. 29-39.
  5. Lebedev A. A., Chelnokov V. E. "Future trends in SiC-based microelectronic devices", in book Fundamental Aspects of Ultrathin Dielectrics on Si-based Devices, E. Garfunkel et al. (eds), Kluwer Academic Publishers, Printed in the Netherlands (1998), pp. 431-445.
  6. Lebedev A. A. "Deep level centers in Silicon Carbide" ( Review), Semiconductors, v. 33, pp. 107-130 (1999).
  7. Lebedev A.A., "SiC electronics in the new century", J. of Wide Bandgap Materials, v.8, pp.129136 (2000).
  8. Lebedev, A.A., Ivanov, A.M., Strokan, N.B., "Radiation resistance of SiC and nuclear-radiation detectors based on SiC films", Semiconductors,
    38, No.2, pp.125-147 (2004).
  9. Lebedev A.A., "Deep-level defects in SiC material and devices", in book: "Silicon Carbide: Material, Proceeding and Devices", ed. by Z.C.Feng and J.H.Zhao, p. 121-163 (2004) Taylor and Francis books Inc.
  10. Lebedev, A.A., Ivanov, A.M., Strokan, N.B., " SiC nuclear-radiation detectors ",   in book: "SiC Power Materials, Devices and Applications", ed. by Z.C.Feng, p.411-445 (2004), Springer.

This page was last updated 29-08-2011.
