  Important Dates
  Scientific Program
  Location and date
  Social Program

Submission of Abstracts

Authors are requested to submit a one-page abstract of their contributions (about 2000 characters including title, name(s) of author(s) and affiliation(s)) in Word for Windows file. If you do not have access to this particular word processing program, or to a PC, please save your document as Rich Text Format (RTF). RTF is available through the "Save As" option on most major word processing packages.

[Winword file of typical abstract]

All abstracts have to be sent by e-mail: NATOARW@mail.ioffe.ru
File should be called by the Name of the principal author (for example, "Petrov.doc"). The name of the principal author who will present the paper at the Symposium should be underlined.
Abstracts will be published in the book of Abstracts by the Symposium


Invited papers presented at the Workshop will be published by Springer as a NATO Series book on "Advanced Materials and Technologies for
Micro/Nano-devices, sensors and actuators " shortly ( ~ 5 months) after the meeting. The manuscripts (~ 10-12 camera-ready pages in length, 12 pages
maximum including figures and references) are due on June 1, 2009. The manuscripts should be submitted electronically to NATOARW@mail.ioffe.ru. The papers will be peer-reviewed by the participants by July 1, 2009 and final revised versions are expected to be re-submitted before the meeting.

Since camera-ready manuscripts are required by the Publisher special attention should be given to the format and style. Instructions for manuscript
and MS word (PC and MAC) templates can be downloaded here (.pdf, 232Kb). [Here is also a sample paper (.pdf, 341Kb)]. We strongly recommend to use the templates. All submitted papers will be checked for complying with the Springer NATO series format and any deviations from the format will be required to be fixed for the final submission.

Typical deviations include:
too small figures and text in the figures;
reference style,
font size - it should be 11 points Times, as in the templates, and layout and page size.
More detailed instructions can be found on Springer's website
Please don't hesitate to contact us (NATOARW@mail.ioffe.ru ) should you have any questions.


We are looking forward to seeing you at the NATO Workshop
"Advanced Materials and Technologies for Micro/Nano-Devices, Sensors and Actuators'2009"