Spin Waves 2015

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Spin Waves 2015




Ioffe Physical-Technical Institute
Polytekhnicheskaya 26,
St. Petersburg 194021, Russia

Fax: +7 (812) 297-1017
Phone: +7 (812) 292-7963
E-mail: optics-lab@mail.ioffe.ru

Cultural program

Guided tour to The Russian Museum, on Wednesday, June 10

The Russian Museum is the first state museum of Russian fine arts in the country. It was established in 1895 in St Petersburg by a decree of the Emperor Nicholas II.

The Russian Museum today is a unique depository of artistic treasures, a leading restoration center and an authoritative institute of academic research. The Russian Museum collection contains more than 400.000 exhibits. The main complex of museum buildings - the Mikhailovsky Palace and Benois Wing are houses for the permanent exhibition of the Russian Museum.

Ioffe Physical-Technical Institute
E-mail: optics-lab@mail.ioffe.ru
Polytekhnicheskaya 26,
St. Petersburg 194021, Russia
Fax: +7 (812) 297-1017
Phone: +7 (812) 292-7963