ФТИ им. А.Ф. Иоффе Зимняя школа 2015

Ioffe Physical-Technical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences

on Physics of Semiconductors


Light, Semiconductors and Technologes

2015 School Program


February 27, Friday
13:55 Opening Ceremony
14:00 P.S. Kop'ev
Nobel prize in Physics – 2014
14:50 A. Naumov
Nobel prize in Chemistry – 2014
15:40 Yu.G. Shreter
White light-emitting diodes based on GaN: physical and technological problems
16:50 A. Bogdanov
Light in Medeicine
17:40 V.A. Volkov
Spin-orbital interaction of electrons at the atomic clean interface. Theory an experiment
February 28, Saturday
09:30 A.A. Andronov
Active systems at the simple superlattices: electrodynamic problems
11:30 Frank Glas
Kinetics and statistics of nanowire growth
12:20 Manfred Bayer
Rydberg excitons in cuprous oxide
15:00 Bernard Jusserand
Photoelastic resonances in phononic structures
15:50 A.V. Poshakinskii
Topological polariton modes at the photon crystals
16:40 V.L. Al'perovich
Photoemission from the semiconductors: surface physics and applications
17:50 N.N. Sibel'din
Spatially direct an undirect electron-hole liquids in II type heterostructures Si/SiGe
18:40 D.R. Khokhlov
A general theory of everything
20:00 Discussion
Megagrants – pro and contra
March 1, Sunday
9:30 S.G. Tikhodeev
Optical properties of the kyral photon crystals and metamaterials
11:30 N.A. Gippius
Electromagnetic resonances in the photon-crystal layers
12:20 E.A. Vinigradov
IR spectroscopy of surface phonon-polaritons as a method of investigation of optical properties of ultrathin films
15:00 Session with reports of young scientists
March 2, Monday
10:00 A.V. Kimel
Femtosecond opto-magnetism: from fundamentals to ultrafast magnetic recording
11:25 D.R. Yakovlev
Exciton spectroscopy of semiconductors by generation of optical garmonics
14:30 M.S. Dunaevskii
Near-field microscopy. How to overcome еру far-field diffraction limit?
15:20 N.N. Rosanov
Optical bistability and dissipative optical and related solitons
16:50 D.A. Firsov
Terahertz emission from semiconductor structures based on impurity transitions and fly resonances
17:40 G. Astakhov
Quantum defects in diamond and silicon carbide
18:30 I.A. Sokolov
Photoinduced space-charge and conductivity gratings in wide-gap semiconductors
March 3, Thursday
09:30 A.V. Kavokin
Bozon lasers
10:30 P.V. Petrov
A+ centers in quantum wells
11:30 N.A. Poklonskii
Thermo-electric and electromechanical effects in low-dimensionaol semiconductor systems
12:20 I.I. Zasavitskii
Emitters and receivers for mid-IR
13:10 Yu.A. Firsov
Magneto-phonon resonance in graphen from Raman spectroscopy data
14:00 Closing Ceremony