The second Konus-Wind catalog of short gamma-ray bursts
Authors: D. S. Svinkin, D. D. Frederiks, R. L. Aptekar, S. V. Golenetskii, V. D. Pal’shin, Ph. P. Oleynik, A. E. Tsvetkova, M. V. Ulanov,
Ioffe Institute, St.Petersburg, 194021, Russia
T. L. Cline,
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD 20771, USA
and K. Hurley
Space Sciences Laboratory, University of California, 7 Gauss Way, Berkeley, CA 94720-7450, USA
In this catalog, we present the results of a systematic study of 295 short gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) detected by Konus-Wind (KW) from 1994 to 2010. From the temporal and spectral analyses of the sample, we provide the burst durations, the spectral lags, the results of spectral fits with three model functions, the total energy fluences and the peak energy fluxes of the bursts. We discuss evidence found for an additional power-law spectral component and the presence of extended emission in a fraction of the KW short GRBs. Finally, we discuss the results. obtained in the context of the Type I (merger-origin) / Type II (collapsar-origin). classifications.
ADS Link: 2016ApJS..224...10S
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D. Svinkin, svinkin@mail·ioffe·ru