
Joint International Conference

Advanced Carbon Nanostructures

St Petersburg, Russia July 4-8, 2011
  Scientific Program
  Conference School
  Important Dates
  Location and date
  Social Program
  Registration Fee

Diagnostics of carbon nanostructures

Conference/School of Young Scientists

    The list of the School Awards winners:
  1. Popova A.A. is awarded for Scientific Activity and the first place in the contest of presentations among the young scientists of the paper entitled
    "Angle resolved photoelectron spectroscopy as the method for investigation of electronic structure of graphene"
  2. Uvarov M.N. is awarded for Scientific Activity and the second place in the contest of presentations among the young scientists of the paper entitled
    "Investigation of triplet fullerene C70 lineshape EPR under continuous light illumination: zero field splitting parameters distribution"
  3. Yakovlev R.Ju. is awarded for Scientific Activity and the third place in the contest of presentations among the young scientists of the paper entitled
    "The problem of nanodiamond visualization in biopharmaceutical research"
  4. Petrova N.I. is awarded for Scientific Activity and the excellent start of the youngest participant with the presentation entitled
    "Research on size stability of commercial nanodiamond suspensions under the influence of external factors”

The development of modern nanotechnologies is closely related to the development of new diagnostic techniques and to the improvement of diagnostic techniques already known.

The specific character of carbon nanostructures, which include different types of fullerenes, carbon nanotubes, nanodiamonds, onions, nanographite and recently discovered graphenes, is related to the fact, that these objects have a size less than 10 nm, and sometimes they have a complicated structure of sp2/sp3 hybridized carbon atoms.

The additional complication occurs in case of need to define not only existence but also localization of impurity atoms on scale of several tens nanometers.

Besides, the mentioned carbon nanostructures can be synthesized not only in form of solid materials but also they exist in form of powders, suspensions and ashes, to investigate which we need to develop or modify diagnostics which where used before only for solid material investigations. The diagnostics of the mentioned objects in gas phase is a particular problem.

It is commonly accepted that only a complex of diagnostic techniques gives the possibility to get a true knowledge about the carbon nanostructures properties.

Just because of this, the most scientific papers, devoted to the investigation of the carbon nanostructures properties, are presented by the authors which are specialists in different fields of physics and chemistry, and this fact shows the interdisciplinary character of the carbon nanostructures investigations. The purpose of this conference-school is the extension of our knowledge about the carbon nanostructures diagnostic techniques.

The conference-school will be held on July 6 2011 in time of the International Conference "Modern Carbon Nanostructures".

The directors of School: Corresponding Member of RAS, Prof. V.V. Afrosimov and Corresponding Member of RAS, Prof. M.V. Kovalchuk.
The Program of Conference contains 7 invited reports and a poster session where the reports of young scientists (up to 28 years old), devoted to the carbon nanostructures diagnostic techniques, will be presented.

Only for young scientists: you can send the summary of the report for the conference-school in Russian and English in size of one page to with note "Abstract, For School". Please use Abstract template (
Deadline for abstract submission - March 30, 2011. The best young scientist poster presentation will be awarded.

The school lectures are available here:

Scientific Program
One day International school for young scientists "Carbon Nanostructures Diagnostics"
(in the frame of the Joint International Conference "Advanced Carbon Nanostructure")
St Petersburg, Russia, July 6, 2011

Chairmen: V.V. Afrosimov, M.V. Kovalchuk
900 - 955 Shenderova O., International Technology Center, USA
Carbon at the nanoscale
955- 1050 Baranov A.V., St Petersburg State University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics, Russia
Raman characterization of nanostructured graphite materials
1050- 1110 Coffee break
1110- 1205 Baranov P.G., Ioffe Institute, Russia
Optically detected magnetic resonance for characterization of carbon nanostructures
1205- 1300 Panich A. M., Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel
Nuclear magnetic resonance for studies of carbon nanostructures
1300- 1400 Lunch
1400- 1455 Sakharov V.I., Ioffe Institute, Russia
Rutherford Backscattering spectroscopy
1455- 1550 Shnitov V.V., Ioffe Institute, Russia
Investigation of atomic and electron structure of nanocarbon materials by use of EXAFS and NEXAFS spectroscopy techniques
  Chairmen: S.A. Grudinkin, V.Yu. Osipov
1550- 1630 Young Scientist's short-form presentations (see School Program)
All lectures and contributed presentations will be given in Russian
  Chairmen: V.I. Siklitsky, S.A. Grudinkin
1630- 1830 Poster Session 2
School Poster Session & Nanodiamonds, Methods for characterization of nanocarbons.
  Work language on Poster Session 2 is English
